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:: 细则
紫威閣章程紫威閣章程 ENG福利基金章程福利股報告細則





(甲) 崇奉德德社諸佛仙尊之碩德偉績,嘉言懿行。
(乙) 篤志為善。
(丙) 聯絡感情,本互助之旨發展一切慈善福利事業。
(丁) 不得參加政治活動。



(一) 本閣常年閣友全體大會為最高機構,由閣友投票選出來屆董事30人,候補董事4人。再由入選新董事介紹,推選賢能閣友5人為董事,合共董事35人,組成董事會共同處理閣務。
(二) 本閣每屆董事會產生後,由董事會互選正閣長1人,署理閣長1人,副閣長3人;以及總務,財政,聯絡,福利,醫藥,教育,宣教,康樂,婦女,中文書,英文書,巫文書及稽查13股,每股選出正副主任各1人,概由董事兼任之。
(三) 凡屬熱心本閣之任何人士,均得由董事會聘請為本閣名譽顧問,名譽閣長或名譽董事。
(四) 本閣董事及所有執行工作之職員,必須為馬來西亞公民。
(五) 本閣不得與外國團體有任何法律上之聯繫。

(一) 永久閣友,在由董事會批准一年之後,有選舉權及被選舉權。
(二) 普通閣友,在由董事會批准二年之後,交足年捐者,有選舉權及被選舉權。
(三) 被選者無論有無出席,如不同意接受,則須於3天之內來函辭職。如獲准辭職,則由其他董事遞補之。

(一) 閣長領導一切閣務,對外代表本閣,並為本閣一切會議當然主席,負責保管本閣正印。遇正閣長缺席,由署理閣長代行其職務。如遇正閣長及署理閣長皆缺席,由獲高選票之副閣長代行職務。如正閣長,署理閣長及所有副閣長皆缺席,由出席會議之董事選出臨時主席代行職務。
(二) 總務股秉承閣長之命,辦理一切事宜,保管重要文件,發出召集會議之通告,並督促各股進行工作。
(三) 財政股,管理本閣財政進支,編造賬目,經稽查股審查準確後,每月向董事會議提出報告。
(四) 聯絡股,負責本閣內外交際事務,招待賓客,及與各界聯絡,處理閣友聯歡會,鼓勵閣友贊助福利慈善事業,訪問閣友家庭,以聯絡感情。
(五) 福利股,辦理閣友喜慶喪儀事務。對於失業閣友,推薦職業,幫助閣友解決一切困難事宜。鼓勵閣友,慷慨輸將,推動一切福利慈善事業。
(六) 醫藥股,負責本閣施醫贈藥,救恤貧病,協助公共衛生,增進人類健康。
(七) 教育股,負責推動閣友,興辦教育,開創學校,輔助文化等事業。
(八) 宣教股,負責宣揚道德,推進慈善,矯正閣友不良嗜好,以道德正義感化人心。
(九) 康樂股,負責推動本閣閣友之體育健身文娛等之康樂活動。
(十) 婦女股,負責領導推動婦女閣友參與本閣之一切活動。
(十一) 中文書股,負責來往中文函件,開會時為記錄,印發通告,協助總務股,編訂各股工作細則。
(十二) 英文書股,負責一切英文來往函件,協助聯絡股及翻譯事宜。
(十三) 巫文書股,負責一切巫文來往函件,協助聯絡股及翻譯事宜。
(十四) 稽查股,審查本閣每月來往進支賬目,確已明白無訛,當即簽名於賬簿之上,否則須提出錯誤之點向財政查問更改之。
(十五) 各股正主任缺席時,由副主任遞補之。
(十六) 各股因閣務之發展,工作之需要,得由各股主任推薦聘請賢能閣友若干人為幹事,協助股務進行,但須經董事會之通過,並由董事會聘任之。
(十七) 各股如因股務之發展,及有所建議者,得由各股主任及干事,召開小組會議,議妥細則,提交董事會通過施行之。


(一) 全年閣友全體大會,於每年三月間由閣長召開,以便選舉下屆職員,但須有全體閣友之半數,或董事會成員人數之兩倍,以少者為準,出席會議方足法定人數。
(二) 如出席會議者未達法定人數,會議得展期至14天內由董事會議決定之日期舉行,如展期後出席者仍未達法定人數,則出席者有權進行會議,但不得修改章程,不得作出影響全體會員之決定。
(三) 董事會每月召開會議一次,由閣長定期召開之,出席董事須有半數以上,方足法定人數,所有議決案,須經出席者過半數贊同方得通過。缺席當作默認,對已通過之議決案,不得有異議。
(四) 常務職員會議,無定期召開,但如有特別事故,經兩位以上股長同意召開時,總務股長得在任何時候,發出通告給正副閣長,以及各股正副股長,召開特別會議,以便對有關特別事項作出裁決。但須推選臨時主席主持會議。如正股長未能出席會議,可由副股長代表,並可參加表決以通過議決案。
(五) 全年閣友全體大會,於定期前五天召開之,全體董事會議於定期前二天召開之。常務職員會議,由總務臨時負責召開之。
(六) 董事會認為必要時,有權召開閣友特別大會,以討論本閣重要閣務。

(一) 本閣經費由閣友自由捐助應付之。如遇舉辦慈善事業,得請各閣友自由樂捐,襄助辦理之。
(二) 凡一切收入捐款,須由本閣蓋章,並財政及經手人簽名,發給正式收據,方合手續。
(三) 本閣財政存款在500令吉以上者,即須存入董事會所指定之銀行。銀行提款,須由正閣長,副閣長,正財政股長,正總務股長,四人中二人聯同簽名,及蓋上本蓋印章方為有效。
(四) 本閣一切用款,須由總務認可簽名後,方得向財政支領,但總務用款權限為100令吉,如超過時,則與閣長商酌之。如用款超過500令吉者,須由閣長召開常務職員會議決定之。


(一) 本閣閣友均有發言權,並享有第八章第五節所規定之權利。
(二) 永久閣友及繳足二年月捐之普通閣友,方有選舉及被選舉權。
(三) 凡普通閣友,積欠月捐達12個月者,即喪失上述之應得權利。

第十四章: 獎勵


(一) 由全年閣友全體大會選出5位年齡21歲以上之信理員,根據董事會指示,掌管本閣所有不動產。
(二) 除非獲得全年閣友全體大會受權,信理員不得售賣,撤銷或轉讓本閣任何產業。
(三) 如信理員健康情況惡劣,精神不正常,離開本國,或其他原因使到不能執行或不能令人滿意地執行任務時,本閣全年閣友大會可撤除其職務。如因逝世,辭職或遭撤職而產生之信理員空缺,由全年閣友全體大會選出信理員以填補其空缺。

(一) 閣友如有喜慶宴客,擬借用本閣禮堂者,須來函申請,經閣長或總務同意,認為該日無礙閣務後,方准借用。至於喪事,則一概謝絕借用。
(二) 閣友間如有發生糾紛,得報告本閣總務股或福利股,請求調解之。必要時得由董事會召集雙方秉公和解之。
(三) 閣友住址如有遷陡更換,須致函通知總務股,以方便傳遞函件。
(四) 本閣禁止政治活動,以及非法活動。
(五) 閣友如經黜退者,永遠不得再參加為本閣閣友。以前如果對本閣有任何捐獻,均不得要求退回。
(六) 本閣每屆董事及各股職員,於董事會改選後,各股應將負責任務,造冊移交新董事接受。
(七) 為保持清靜,維護本閣規範,本閣禁止雀戰或任何形式之賭博,及一切違法活動。
(八) 本閣如閣務發揚,必須增聘僱員,以協助辦理閣務,須經董事會通過以決定之。
(九) 本閣章程經社團註冊官批准時,即日生效。如有未盡善處而須修改時,得由閣友大會提出討論修改之;並須呈交社團註冊官批准後,方得施行之。

(一) 在閣友大會未召開之前,董事會有權對章程條文之釋義進行裁決;也可對章程未規定之事項作出決定。
(二) 除非違反或與閣友大會所通過之原則不一致,否則董事會之議決案所友閣友必須遵守,除非或直到閣友大會作出新的裁決。

(一) 本閣不得解散,除非獲得五分之三閣友出席大會投票或以郵寄方式投票表示贊成,方可解散。
(二) 如本閣依照上述(一)項之規定而解散時,本閣所負之合法債項,須得清還。剩餘款項須交政府福利部處理。
(三) 解散之通告書,由董事部簽署,於解散日起14天內,向社團註冊官呈報。


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紫威閣章程 ENG

The Society shall be known as the Persatuan Pendidikan Akhlak Che Wee Khor, Butterworth, Seberang Perai.

Its place of meeting and registered office (or postal address ) for correspondence shall be at 4859, Kampung Paya Road, Butterworth, Province Wellesley. The place of business/ meeting of the Society shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.

The Objects of the Society shall be:-
a) to serve with respect the great virtue and merits and the good sayings and behavior of the various Reverential s of the Buddhist Sects;
b) to aim sincerely in doing good deeds; and
c) to promote friendships for the purpose of mutual assistance and contributions towards all charitable works and social welfare.
d) The Society shall not participate in political activities.

The badge of the Society shall be round and carved with an impression of a globe with a Chinese character [Tect], symbolizing the teaching of virtue throughout the World. The flag of the Society shall have the design of a globe matched in 3 colours, red, blue and yellow.

Any person, aged 18 and above and of good character shall be eligible to apply for admission to become a member of the Society, provided he agrees with the objects and undertake to abide by the Rules of the Society.
A candidate for admission to the Society must be proposed and seconded by two members of the Society and will become a member only after his application has been approved by the Board of Committee.
To become a Life Member, an applicant has to pay a lump sum subscription of RM100.00 and his application has to go through the same procedure as mentioned above.

1) The Annual General Meeting of the Members of the society shall be the supreme authority, during which the members will ballot for 30 Committee Members for the next term of office. The newly elected Committee Members will then select 5 worthy and capable members to join them with a total of 35 Committee Members who will organize the Board of Committee and help to manage the affairs of the Society.
2) The Committee Members will then elect amongst themselves a President, a Deputy President and 3 Vice-Presidents while the rest will be divided into the sections as follows:-
General Affairs Section
Treasury Section
Liaison Section
Social Welfare Section
Medicine Section
Education Section
Preaching Section
Intellectual cum Physical Culture Section
Womens' Section
Chinese Correspondence Section
English Correspondence Section
Bahasa Malaysia Correspondence Section
Audit Section
Each of the above Section will elect a Manager and an Assistant Manager. All Committee Members of the Society shall be eligible for re-election except for the post of President, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer where no one shall be re-elected for a consecutive three terms.
3) Any person, who has shown sincere interest in the Society, shall be eligible to be invited by the Committee Members to become an Honarary Adviser or President or Committee Member.
4) The office-bearers of the Society and every officer performing executive functions in the Society shall be Malaysian Citizens.
5) The Society shall not have any affiliation or connection outside Malaysia.

1) Life members whose memberships have been approved by the Board of Committee for one year and above, shall have the right to stand for election or to vote at the election.
2) Ordinary Members whose memberships have been approved by the Board of Committee for two years and above and have paid up their subscriptions, shall have the right to stand for election or to vote at the election.
3) Those who are elected, irrespective of whether present at or absent from the meeting, if decline to accept the post in the Committee, shall within 3 days write in for resignation. Upon acceptance of the resignation, the vacancies shall be filled by other Committee Members.

1) President: The president shall supervise the general affairs of the Society, represent the Society in external affairs, preside in all meetings and have the custody of the seal of the Society. In the absent of the President, the Deputy President shall be responsible . If both President and Deputy President are absent, the Vice-President with the most number of votes shall be responsible. If the President, Deputy President and Vice-Predents are absent, a temporary Chairman shall be elected by the members present at the meeting.
2) General Affairs Section : The General Affairs Section shall carry out duties under the instructions of the President, and be responsible for the safe custody of the important documents, the convening and notifying all meetings and to urge various sections in their respective works.
3) Treasury Section: The Treasury Section shall be responsible for the receipts and payments of the Society, shall keep accounts and prepare monthly financial statements to be submitted to the Committee Members after duly certified by the Audit Section.
4) Liaison Section: The Liaison Section shall be responsible for all external affairs such as entertaining visitors, arranging Members social gathering and promoting friendships amongst other communities. They shall also encourage Members towards charitable and social welfare works and visit Members families for the sake of conveying friendly affection.
5) Social Welfare Section: The Social Welfare Section shall be responsible for the affairs of wedding or other happy occasions and funeral rites among Members, and shall help various Members who are out of employment by finding and recommending works for them and help to settle all of their difficulties . Furthermore, they shall encourage all Members to donate generously towards charitable cause and push forward various sosial welfare works.
6) Medicines Section: The Medicines Section shall be responsible for free medical treatments and supply of medicines for poor patients and shall help to maintain public sanitation for the advancement of health amongst any mankind.
7) Education Section: The Education Section shall be responsible for urging Members towards educational establishment like opening of schools,cultivating overseas Chinese and helping to promote culture developments.
8) Preaching Section: The Preaching Section shall be responsible for preaching moral doctrines, promoting charities, correcting Members' undesirable relish and influencing the heart of mankind with righteousness of morality.
9) The Intellectual Cum Physical Culture Section: Intellectual Cum Physical Culture Section shall be responsible for organising activities for the promotion of Members' mental faculty and physical health.
10) Women's Section: The Women's Section shall be responsible for guiding and encouraging the female Members of the Society to participate in all the activities organised by the Society.
11) Chinese Correspondence Section: The Chinese Correspondence Section shall be responsible for all Chinese correspondence and documents, the recording of minutes of meetings, the printing and issuing of notices, and shall also assist the General Affairs Section in making by-laws for various sections.
12) English Correspondence Section: The English Correspondence Section shall be responsible for all English correspondence and translation of documents and shall also assist in the works of the Liaison Section.
13) Bahasa Malaysia Correspondence Section: The Bahasa Malaysia Correspondence Section shall be responsible for all Bahasa Malysia correspondence, translation of documents and shall also assist in liaison works.
14) Audit Section: The Audit Section shall audit the monthly accounts of receipts and payments of the Society and certify them to be correct by signing their name in the account books, otherwise all errors and mistakes must be brought up and referred to the Treasury Section for investigation and correction.
15) In the absence of the Managers of the various Sections, the Assistant Managers shall take charge.
16) Owing to the increase of affairs the preasure of work make it necessary for the Managers of various Sections to ask a certain number of capable Members to be their Secretaries helping the works of the respective Sections, but all Secretaries engaged must be approved and appointed by the Cimmittee Members.
17) Owing to the developments of the affairs of various Sections, if there be any proposals the Managers and Secretaries want to bring up for discussion, they can call up a minor group meeting, and after all particulars and details have been discussed and decided they will be submitted to Committee Members for approval before execution.

All Committee Members and Office-bearers of the Society shall hold office for two years only, but they are eligible for re-election. The newly appointed Committee Members and Office-bearers shall arrange the hand over within one month after election.

1) An Annual Gerneral Members Meeting shall be convened by the President in March of every year in order to elect the Office-bearers for the forthcoming year, and at least half of the total membership of the Society or twice the total number of the Committee Members, whichever is the lesser, must be present at general meeting for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.
2) If a quorum for the meeting is not present, the meeting shall be postponed to a date (not exceeding 14 days) to be decided by the Committee; and if a quorum is not present for the postponed meeting, the members present shall have power to proceed with the business of the day but they shall not have power to alter the rules of the Society or to make decisions affecting the whole membership.
3) A Committee Members Meeting shall be convened by the President once every month, and more than half of the Committee Members must be present to form a quorum. Resolutions will be passed by the majority of more than half of the Committee Members present. Absentee Committee Members will have no say afterward to the resolutions already passed.
4) There is no fixed date for Office-bearers Meeting which can be convened when required for some special purposes, with the agreement of 2 of the Sectional Managers, and the President and Vice-Presidents and various Sectional Managers will duly be informed by the General Affairs Section to convene any special meeting any time to make the necessary decision, but a temporary chairman has to be elected. In case of Managers cannot attend the meetings, the Assistant Managers will take their place and have the right to pass resolutions.
5) Five days and two days notices have to be given in the case of Annual General Members Meetings and Committee Members Meetings respectively, and the General Affairs Section shall be responsible for the convening of the Office-bearers Meeting.
6) The Board of Committee shall have the right to call Extra-ordinary General Meeting to discuss important issues concerning the Society when necessary.
1) The expenses of the Society shall be depending on the voluntary contributions made by Members. In the even of charity works, Members shall be requested to make further contributions in order that the works can be carried out successfully.
2) All contributions received shall be duly receipted by the Treasury Section, and all receipts must be affixed with the seal of the Society and countersigned by the collector.
3) Funds exceeding RM500.00 at a time, in the hand of the officials of the Treasury Section , must be deposited with the bank appointed by the Committee Members of the Society, and withdrawals from the bank shall have to be countersigned by any two of the following:-
a) President
b) Vice-President
c) Manager of the Treasury Section
d) Manager of the General Affairs Section and must be affixed with the seal of the Society.
4) Payments less than RM100.00 by the Treasury Section shall be approved by the General Affairs Section. Reference shall be made to the President, if the payment is exceeding RM100.00. In the event of payment exceeding RM500.00, it has to be approved by the Office-bearers Meeting convened by the President.

All Members shall be obliged to carry out the activities of the Society and ordinary members have to pay a monthly subscription of at least RM1.00 in order to meet the expenses of the Society.

1) Members of the Society shall have the right to speak at the meetings and enjoy the benefits provided in Section (5) of Chapter VIII.
2) Only Life Members, and Ordinary Members who have paid up their subscriptions for at least two years or above, shall have the right to vote in the election or to stand for election.
3) Ordinary Members whose payment of subscriptions are in arrears for 12 months shall automatically be disqualified to enjoy the rights as mentioned above.

Members and the general public rendering special good services to the Society shall be awarded Certificates and tokens of appreciation and all photographs (if any) shall be put up in the Assembly Hall of the Society. Such awards shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Committee.

Any Member who contravenes the rules or wilfully slanders the reputaion of the Society or refuse to abide by the resolutions passed by the Board of Committee shall be expelled from the Society after investigations have been made with evidence against him, provided that the Member involved shall have the right to appeal to the General Meeting of Members whose decision shall be final and binding to all concerned.

1. Five Trustees, who must be over 21 years of age, shall be appointed at the Annual Members General Meeting and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Society. They shall have vested in them all immovable property whatsoever belonging to the Society and shall deal with it in such manner as the Committee may direct.
2. The Trustees shall not sell, withdraw or transfer any of the property of the Society without the consent and authority of the Annual Members General Meeting.
3. A Trustee may be removed from office by the General Meeting on the grounds that, owing to ill health, unsoundness of mind, absence from country or for any opther reason, he is unable to perform his duties or unable to do so satisfactorily. In the event of death, resignation or removal of a Trustee, the vacancy shall be filled by a Trustee appointed by the Annual Members General Meeting.

1. Members, who want to make use of the Assembly Hall of the Society for the purpose of entertaining guests on some happy occasions, must apply in writing beforehand and have to be approved by the President or the Manager of the General Affairs Section. The Assembly Hall will not be used for any funeral ceremonies.
2. Any dispute amongst Members can be reported to the General Affairs Section or Social Welfare Section, and if any arbitration is required, the Committee Members shall call upon both parties and arrange a fair compromise between them.
3. Any change of address of Members must be reported in writing to the General Affairs Section, who will see to it that letters and notices will be delivered to the right address.
4. Political and unlawful activities shall be strictly prohibited in the premises of the Society.
5. Members, who have been expelled, shall not be eligible for re-admission to the Society forever, and they shall have no right to demand the return of their previous donations and contributions of any form to the Society.
6. Committee Members and Office-bearers of the various Sections shall, on the expiry date of their terms of office and after the election, handover to the new Committee Members all duties and documents.
7. In order to maintain the good moral of the Society with all its calmness and serenity, the premises of the Society shall not be used for Majong games or any form of gambling, or any unlawful dealings.
8. In the event some employed staffs are necessarily required to be engaged in order to help in executing the much accumulated affairs of the Society, such engagement will have to be approved by the Committee Members.
9. The above rules of the Society shall come into force on the date of approval by the Registrar of Societies. Any additional alterations required shall have to be proposed for amendment in the General Members Meeting, and shall be effective when duly approved by the Registrar of Societies.

1. Between Annual General Meetings the Committee shall interpret the rules of the Society and, when necessary, determine any point on which the rules are silent.
2. Except they are contrary to or inconsistent with the policy previously laid down by the General Members Meeting the decisions of the Committee shall be binding on all Members of the Society unless and until countermanded by a resolution of a General Members Meeting.

1. The Society shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than 3/5th of the Members of the Society expressed, either in person at a General Members Meeting convened for the purpose, or by postal vote.
2. In the event of the Society being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Society shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be handed to the Government Welfare Board for charity purposes.
3. Notices of the dissolution will be given within 14 days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies signed by the Committee.

Signed by Tan Peng Joo as Pengerusi Ooi Ting Chong as Setiausaha
Rules and Constitution amended and approved by the Registrar of Societies
Dated 15-06-1988

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The Foundation shall be non-profit making, non-religious, non-political and non-racial is its objects and activities.
The funds of the Foundation shall not be used for any other purpose than those specified in Rule 5 of the Rules.

The address and the meeting place shall be Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society, No. 4859 Jalan Kampung Paya, Butterworth, Province Wellesley, Malaysia or in such other place as may be decided by the Board referred to in Rule 8 below provided prior approval shall be obtained from the Registrar of Societies.

(a) The "Foundation" shall mean the "Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society Foundation"
(b) "Board" shall mean the Board referred to in Rule 8 below.

(a) To provide free medical treatment and medicines to the poor at the Foundation's Clinic
(b) To provide for the relief of proverty.
(c) To provide for the amelioration, treatment and relief of the aged, sick, crippled and physically and mentally handicapped, including the blind, deaf and the dumb.
(d) To provide for the relief of persons affected by fires, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, landslides, road, air and sea accidents, famine, droughts and other similar catastrophies.
(e) To promote and support schemes for the improvement of health safety and living conditions of the people.
(f) To provide free tuition and to give scholarship to the poor students.
(g) The Foundation shall not have any affiliation or connection with any society established outside Malaysia.

The Foundation shall be managed by a Board in whom shall be vested all the powers and functions of management of the affairs of the Foundation.

All members of the Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society shall be members of the Foundation. No University or college University student shall be admitted as a member of the Foundation unless he or she has obtained a written permission from the Vice-Chancellor of the University concerned.

(a) The Board shall consist of:-

  • The President of Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society shall be the President of the Foundation.
  • The Manager of General Affairs Section of Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society shall be the Hon. Secretary of the Foundation.
  • The Manager of Treasury Section of Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society shall be the Hon. Treasurer of Foundation.
  • The Manager of Social Welfare Section of Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society shall be the Manager of Social Welfare Section of the Foundation.
  • The Manager of Medicine Section of Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society Shall be the Manager of Medicine Section of the Foundation.
  • The Manager of Education Section of Butterworth Che Wee Khor Moral Uplifting Society shall be the Manager of Education Section of the Foundation.
  • Seven other officers comprising four Vice-Presidents, one Hon. Assistant Secretary, One Chinese Correspondence Secretary, One Bahasa Malaysia and English Correspondence Secretary who are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

(b) Other members of the Board.
The Board shall have power to co-opt not more than six persons from amongst the members of the Foundation to assist in the work of the Foundation. The decision to invite a person to sit on the Board or to fill a vacancy shall be made by an unanimous vote of those present at a meeting of the Board. The person invited shall, on acceptance, be deemed to be a member of the Board.

(c) The Board shall hold office for a period of twenty-four months.

(d) The seven elected officers of the Board may hold office for further terms if they are re-elected.

(e) All members of the Board and every officer performing executive functions in the Foundation shall be Malaysian Citizens.


The business of the Foundation shall be carried out by the Board, which shall have the following powers and duties:-

(a) To solicit donations and contributions from members of the Butterworth Che Wee Khor Uplifting Society and members of the public, or other bodies for the purpose of carrying out the projects of the Foundation.

(b) To carry out the objects of the Foundation.

(c) To make such bye-laws for the administration and use of the buildings as may from time to time be deemed desirable and to alter such bye-laws. Such bye-laws shall not supersede or be contrary to the principal objects of the Foundation.
Copies of such bye-laws and any amendments there to must be filed with the Registrar of Societies and Director General of Inland Revenue Malaysia for approval.

(d) To fill any vacancy in its body

(e) To invite patrons or advisers.

(f) To administer the funds.

(g) To delegate any portion of the work of the Foundation by appointing a Sub-Committee and defining the powers and duties of this Sub-Committee.

(h) To enter into contracts for the purpose of and incidental to carrying out the objects of the Foundation.

(i) To act in any manner that shall be deemed expedient to carry out the objects of the Foundation for which provision is not made in these Rules.


(a) President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings
of the Foundation. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall take the Chair.
If the President and the Vice-President are both absent, a temporary Chairman, elected for the occasion by the Board by a show of hands, shall take the Chair.

(b) Vice-President
The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties and shall act for him in his absence.

(c) The Honorary Secretary
The Honorary Secretary shall perform his duties under the direction of the Board.

(d) Honorary Assistant Secretary
The Honorary Assistant Secretary shall assist the Hon. Secretary in the discharge of his duties and shall act for him in his absence.

(e) The Honorary Treasurer
Under the direction of the Board, the Honorary Treasurer shall keep all funds and collect and disburse all monies on behalf of the Foundation and shall keep an account of all transactions, and shall be responsible for their correctness. Cheques and other documents for withdrawals from the Bank or the Post Office will only be valid if jointly signed by three (3) principal Office-bearers of the Foundation. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts for audit and for the making of returns to the Registrar of Societies of a Receipt and Payments Account, an Income and Expenditure Account and an audited Balance Sheet within 28 days of the Annual General Meeting. The Hon. Treasurer shall not retain more than $ 1,000/- in cash at any one time for petty cash expenses.

(f) The Manager of Medicine Section
The Manager of Medicine Section shall be responsible for the supply of medicine to the Foundation.

(g) The Manager of Social Welfare Section.
The Manager of Social Welfare Section shall attend to the welfare work of the Foundation.

(h) The Chinese Correspondence Secretary
The Chinese Correspondence Secretary shall take charge of the Chinese correspondence of the Foundation.

(i) The English and Bahasa Malaysia Correspondence Secretary
The English and Bahasa Malaysia Correspondence Secretary shall take charge of the English and Bahasa Malaysia correspondence of the Foundation


The Annual General Meeting of the Foundation shall be held MEETING once a year not later than the 31st December.

(a) To receive a detailed report of the activities of the Foundation.

(b) To receive the Treasurer's report for the preceding financial year supported by a Receipt and Payments Account and an Audited Balance Sheet.

(c) To elect seven Officers to the Board once in every two years.
Nomination shall be made in writing 7 days before the meeting by the members of the Foundation and with the consent of the persons nomited. The election of the Office-bearers shall take place at the meeting.

(d) To appoint an independent Auditor for the ensuing year. The Auditor for the first year shall be decided upon by the Boards. The Auditor appointed shall be a qualified Public Auditor.

(e) The report of the Annual General Meeting shall be made available for the members.


Whenever the Board deems it necessary or at the joint written GENERAL MEETING request of at least fifteen members an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the President within two weeks to deal with any special or urgent matter that may arise.

All members of the Board shall be entitled to vote at all meetings of the Board.


(1) Notices of every General Meeting shall be issued by the
Secretary 7 days before the said meeting is due to take place.

(2) Any member of the Foundation may move resolutions at the General Meeting provided 7 days notice of intention to do so is given to the Secretary.

(3) Meeting of the Board shall be held at least once in three months and 3 days' notice shall be issued by the Secretary before the said meeting is due to be held.

A quorum for all Board Meetings shall be half of the total number of the members of the Board and the quorum of any General Meeting of the Foundation shall be one half of the total number of the members of the Foundation or twenty-five members of the Foundation, whichever is the lesser.

The Hon. Secretary shall have the power to approve any item of expenditure not exceeding RM300/-. The President shall have the power to approve any item of expenditure not exceeding RM500/- and any item of expenditure exceeding RM500/- shall be approved by the Board.

The Financial year shall end on the 31st December in each year. The accounts shall be audited by an Auditor appointed at the Annual General Meeting or, in the case of the first year, by the Board. The Auditor appointed shall be a qualified public auditor. Accounts of the Foundation shall be kept separate from that of the Society and a copy of the audited accounts shall be submitted annually to the Director General of Inland Revenue. A Separate bank account shall be opened in- the name of the Foundation and cheques shall be signed by the principal officers under Rule 10 (c).

If the Foundation at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be vested in trustees upon the execution of a Deed of Trust by such Trustees. Any Trustee may at any time resign his trusteeship. If a Trustee dies or becomes a lunatic or of unsound mind or is absent from the State of Penang for a period of one year, he shall be deemed to have resigned his trusteeship. If a Trustee is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that he continues as a Trustee, a General Meeting may remove him from his trusteeship. Vacancies in the trusteeship may be filled at a General Meeting, so that the number shall not be greater than five or less than two. Notice of any proposal to remove a Trustee from his trustee from his trusteeship or to appoint a new Trustee to fill a vacancy must be given to all the members of the Foundation at least two weeks before the meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. The name of the Trustees appointed or any changes therein shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies.

No alteration or addition to these Rules shall be made except at a General Meeting and these shall not come into force without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies and Director General of Inland Revenue, Malaysia.

In the interpretation of these Rules, the Board's decision shall be final unless countermanded by members in General Meeting.


(1) The Foundation shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than three fifths of the numbers of the Foundation expressed in person at a General Meeting called specifically for that purpose.

(2) In the event of the Foundation being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Foundation shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds shall be handed over as decided by the General Meeting to another charitable organisation having similar objects approved by the Director-General of Inland Revenue, Malaysia.

(3) Notice of dissolution duly signed by the one principal Office-bearer and seven other members will be given within 14 days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.

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福利主任 准拿督黃胤森德長

北海德教會紫威閣,延續德教傳統,自創閣以來,對地方社會上之福利慈善工作,皆盡力參與。而本閣福利基金之來源,則有賴於本閣諸位董事、閣員同德以及社會熱心人士之慷慨捐助。本閣於每年正月初三閣慶期間,發動籌募福利金,更是得到各方人士之熱烈響應和鼎力支持,遂使本閣之善業得以持續數十年不斷。而所有熱心人士捐獻給本閣行善的福利捐款,均可得到我國內陸稅務局豁免繳納所得稅,但捐款支票必須開給『北海德教會紫威閣福利基金』或[YAYASAN PERTUBUHAN PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK CHE WEE KHOR] 或[CHE WEE KHOR MORAL UPLIFTING SOCIETY FOUNDATION]。本人身為福利主任,願藉此創閣50週年,金禧紀念特刊之便,感激歷來熱心捐獻福利基金,以促使本閣能不斷推展福利慈善工作的仁翁善長,碩德賢達;同時祝福他們的無量功德,澤蔭子孫。積善之家必有餘慶!



NO 日期 接受贊助人 原因 住址 贊助金額
1 22-01-10 李亞傑 肛門阻塞,生老鼠洞 北海 RM300.00
2 22-01-10 陳真嬡 雙腎萎縮 北海 RM500.00
3 22-01-10 李蓮音 患乳癌 北海 RM300.00
4 07-02-10 老人院(威南) 派紅包 大山腳 RM710.00
5 23-04-10 黃啟文 因肝硬化及肺硬化 北海 RM300.00
6 23-04-10 許秋獅 患賢病 北海 RM500.00
7 23-04-10 陳炳清 中風,半身不遂 北海 RM300.00
8 23-04-10 洪月珠 窗口跌下,導致身體骨折 北海 RM300.00
9 23-04-10 Anne Selvarni 遭攫奪而導致輕微中風 北海 RM300.00
10 27-05-10 劉演光 患糖尿病 北海 RM300.00
11 27-05-10 陳明絲 患肺癌 北海 RM300.00
12 27-05-10 蔡文君 患腎病,糖尿病及高血壓 北海 RM500.00
13 27-05-10 Abdul Aziz Bin 一場意外導致頭部受傷 RM300.00
Abdul Hamid
14 27-05-10 Keer Thinair 患先天性心臟病 北海 RM300.00
A/L Krishnan
15 23-07-10 何伊芬 腦癱瘓 北海 RM1000.00
16 23-07-10 劉寶忠 患肺病,青光眼及皮胅病 北海 RM300.00
17 23-07-10 周瑞泰 患糖尿病及腎病 北海 RM500.00
18 20-08-10 王水龍 患腎病 北海 RM500.00
19 20-08-10 陳美金 乳癌 北海 RM300.00
20 24-09-10 李慧青 雙腳畸形,疾病纏身 北海 RM500.00
21 22-10-10 洪振和 心臟病,高血壓, 北海 RM300.00
23 22-10-10 林來音 大腸及小腸癌 大山腳 RM300.00
24 15-12-10 李清來 自2006年中風後便 北海 RM300.00
25 15-12-10 吳稼萊 糖尿病,肺勞, 大山腳 RM300.00
26 15-12-10 馬錦良 因腰部疼痛長期服食止痛 北海 RM300.00
27 15-12-10 鄭錦清 中風失去工作能力 北海 RM300.00
28 15-12-10 謝炳河 腎病 北海 RM500.00
29 15-12-10 秦寶城 腎病 北海 RM500.00
總共 RM11,410.00
1. 威省洗腎中心 RM 5000.00
2. 慈濟洗腎中心 RM 5000.00
3. 大馬德教振鸞洗腎中心 RM 5000.00
4. 麥曼珍遲鈍兒童中心 RM 2000.00
5. 怡然精舍殘障兒童收留協會 RM 2000.00
五項共撥出義款 RM 19000.00
RM5000.00 : 紫威閣福利股
RM3000.00 : 劉漢標、黃美雲夫婦
RM2000.00 : 劉煥章,陳子意
RM1000.00 : 拿督李偉傑,黃龍河,陳坤河,倪蓮池
RM500.00 : 拿督斯裡謝有吉局紳,陳遠藩,陳炳欽,謝慶麟,呂炳佳,
RM400.00 : 拿督黃廷泉
RM300.00 : 拿督司徒清,鄭奕樹,王智廷
RM200.00 : 陳惠棠, 黃國球,林懷龍,呂成輝,鄭昇平,方三力,
RM100.00 : 倪子仲,陳廷昭,黃胤森,陳君有,黃耀琴,江桂花,
RM50.00 : 曾文忠,曾素紅,陳南德,陳秀平,陳煥玉

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(甲) 本閣閣友分永久閣友及普通閣友,永久閣友需一次繳清入會費RM100.00,普通閣友每年繳納年捐RM12.00,所有閣友必須填具閣友申請表格得本閣董事會批準後,方得生效。(註:已入會之普通閣友,須於每年三月前繳清年捐RM12.00,逾期者,則以自動退會諭)

(乙) 所有閣友經本閣批準後得享有下列權利:-
(A) 永久閣友,如本人,其父母,妻子,丈夫去世時,本閣將致送輓軸一幅以表哀悼,唯喪家應通知本閣秘書處,只限北海地區。
(B) 永久閣友,如受最高元首或州元首封賜勛銜,本閣將邀請受封閣友出席閣慶宴會,及接受本閣頒贈紀念品,唯受封人士或其家屬應通知本閣秘書處。
(C) 本閣定於每年閣慶日(農曆正月初三日)頒贈紀念品予大專畢業,學成榮歸之閣友子女,請該生家長於同年十二月一日前,連絡本閣秘書處。

(丙) 永久閣友經本閣董事會批準一年後,得享有下列權利:-
(A) 所有閣友申請本閣禮堂舉辦喜事,禮堂費優待閣友RM100.00,只收(RM400.00)
(B) 本閣每年十二月十五日起,接受永久閣友子女申請STPM、SPM、PMR,UPSR,中小學獎勵金及倪輝鐵華文優秀獎金,須請有關閣友,依時到來申請。
(C) 根據本閣章程第十三章(一)規定,永久閣友經入會一年後,在閣友常年大會時有權選舉及被選。

(丁) 社會人士平日熱心德教,愛護本閣曾經贊助支持本閣福利措施者,如家遇喪事,而獻金RM1,000.00以上,本閣派代表參加致祭執紼。
(戊) 凡有喜事而樂意捐獻本閣慈善福利基金者,不論閣友或非閣友,本閣當派代表前往接領並致贈紀念品以表謝意。
(己) 閣友對本閣有顯著勞績及特別贊助者,得由本閣董事會通過發給獎狀及紀念品,或將其玉照懸掛於禮堂,以資表揚。(辦法另定)
(辛) 上述條規如有末盡善處,得於理事會時討論修正之。

細則 2

逕啟者:本人對於 貴閣禮堂出租條例已詳細閱讀,今願依照條例之規定,申請租用,茲奉上申請表一份,乞希察照為荷!此致
年 月 日 申請人 謹啟
1 本閣會員租用禮堂作為本身或子女喜慶宴會地點者,禮堂費RM400.00包括電水費在內,另加潔淨費RM60.00惟須人會滿一年之會員方可享受。

2 非會員租用禮堂作為喜慶宴會地點者,禮堂RM500.00包括電水費在內,另加潔淨費RM60.00。

3 凡租用禮堂為會議或茶點者,禮堂費一律RM250.00。

4 租金時間限4小時,如超過者每小時加RM50.00,在特別情況之下,本閣有權不接受超時租用。

5 凡租用禮堂為商品展覽者,禮堂費每日RM500.00,惟在幼稚園上課時間不得租用。

6 租用圓桌者每張RM2.00四方桌者每張RM1.00塑膠凳每張RM0.20(不包括排)

7 A 申請時,須先將禮堂租金及潔淨費全部交清。
B 凡有租用桌椅者,須在租用日前二天,交清桌椅租金。
C 超時租金則須當日交清。

8 凡租定之後,租用者如果隨意退租,恕本閣不退回租金。

9 夜間租用時間限至十一時為止。

10 倘在同一時間有超過一人申請時,本閣以先交來銀者獲得承租權。

11 凡在租用時間內有任何騷亂事件發生,概由租用人負責,如有損壞本閣物品或建築物者,租用人也須負起一切賠償之責任。

12 如因臨時發生特別事故,如電流故障等等,以致禮堂場地無法使用,本閣概不負責。

細則 4

1. 先到北海國民登記局Aras 2,Wisma Suria, Jalan Kampung Gajah ,B'Worth.向婚姻註冊部門索取表格。

2. 表格填好之後,一對新人的照片,報生紙,身份證(正本和複印本),到法庭或政府委任之監誓官面前宣誓及蓋章,後交回國民登記局婚姻註冊部門檢查蓋章,並交會政府固本費RM20.00。

3. 如已離婚者,需出示離婚證明書。(正與副本)

4. 如是鰥夫或寡婦,需呈交結婚證書或孩子出生紙及死亡證書(正與副本)

5. 如女方未滿18歲,惟必須已滿16歲,申請表格JPN.KC01D,父親必須到國民登記局簽名,還須去KOMTAR 25樓給檳州首席部長蓋章簽證方為有效,並在KOMTAR 3 樓交付政府印花稅RM10.00。

6. 將表格交來本閣秘書處,約定註冊日期,並交2名證人身份之複印本,證人年齡須足21歲,在辦理註冊婚姻時,證人陪同出席簽名。

7. 本閣辦理註冊婚姻的時間是每逢星期六上午10.30am 報到11.00am開始。

8. 一對新人準備2封紅包(至少RM40.00,多惠益善)。

9. 出席註冊婚姻儀式,應該穿著整齊制服,勿穿拖鞋,短褲,親友可以陪同出席觀禮,可以拍照留念。

** 請攜帶以上有關文件及表格一同呈上,所有副本文件必須A4 Size Paper.


請交表格給負責人:Helen Wong 黃麗翠 012-4482578

細則 5


申請標準: 1. 小學考試
(A) 小學評審考試,華語,國語科考試項目須有半數或以上考獲A等,其中理解項目必須A等。英文科成績須理解一項獲A等,如上述各科只單項成績則必須A等方為標準,算術,科學,道德三科中有二科為A等,一科為B等者。
(B) 全年成績總平均為A等者,(總平均可根據最後學期或全年分數以高者為準)

2. 中學考試
(A) 初中肄業者(預備班,中一,中二及中三)學年成績總平均分數在75分以上(若學校成績以ABCD計算,其學業成績必須獲A等者)。(總平均可根據最後學期或全年分數以高者為準)
(B) 高中肄業者(中四、中五)學年成績總平均分數在70分以上(若在學校成績以ABCD計算,其學業成績必須獲A等者)。(總平均可根據最後學期或全年分數以高者為準)

3. 政府考試
(A) 小學六年級評審考試(UPSR)總分數不得超過10分者(即A一分,B二分,C三分,D四分,E五分。)
(B) 初中評審考試(PMR)各科中至少五科列A等,其餘科目至少C等。
(C) 大馬教育文憑考試(SPM)去年度(2009)獲甲等及科目中至少四科A等,其餘科目至少C等者。
(D) 大馬高級教育文憑考試(STPM)去年度(2009)最少考獲二個主科B等,期餘科目至少C等者。學院A-Level及大學預科Matriculation考試可算相等於STPM
(E) 凡在PMR或SPM考試華文科成績獲優等者(A1或A2)及STPM考試華文主科成績獲A,B,C等者,(Principal Pass A,B,C)則可自動獲得「倪輝鐵華文優秀獎」獎金。




1. 各地德教會向社會熱心人士募捐福利基金,捐款人在呈報所得稅時,可扣除有關捐款,但德教會須先向內陸稅務總監申請【德教會福利基金捐款豁免所得稅】之證書。

2. 要申請捐款豁免所得稅,須先向當地的審計署註冊局申請註冊一個基金會,國文稱為YAYASAN。基金會的章程可以參閱已獲準註冊之基金會章程,如【檳城德教會紫雲閣福利基金】或【北海德教會紫威閣福利基金】之註冊章程。

3. 基金會申請註冊如一切依照當局的規定處理,則在三個月內可以獲準註冊。

4. 基金會之註冊獲得批準之後即可進行捐款豁免所得稅的申請。向內陸稅務總監申請福利基金捐款豁免所得稅,地址如下:
Blok 11, Tingkat 15,
Kompleks Bangunan Kerajaan,
Jalan Duta, 50600 Kuala Lumpur
Tel.No : 03-2540066/2547055
Fax.No: 03-2543170/2543798

5. 申請之前先開會通過要進行有關申請,然後根據有關議決案呈函內陸稅務總監請示應呈上之文件,通常受指示呈上下列文件:
5.1 福利基金會註冊證書副本 4份
5.2 福利基金會章程副本 4份
5.3 福利基金會賬目【可用德教會賬目】 4份
5.4 福利基金會職員名單 4份

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